Mortal kombat x mortal kombat x
Mortal kombat x mortal kombat x

mortal kombat x mortal kombat x

At least a third of my ranked matches choked and died, usually at the point things became interesting.

mortal kombat x mortal kombat x

They’re notable problems with an otherwise excellent game, and it makes the PC version feel under-optimised. More worryingly, I had trouble making it playable on a machine which met minimum specs only when I switched to a meatier PC could I enjoy the game to its fullest. While it runs at a buttery 60fps during fights, cutscenes and x-ray moves drop to 30fps. In fact, unlike Mortal Kombat 9 (or whatever it wasn’t called), there’s no option to disable vsync in the menus-you’ll have dig into appdata or tinker with your graphics card. Screen tear is apparent even on high-end machines even with vsync seemingly activated. However, there are notable PC-specific problems. Like Injustice, they incorporate contextual attacks, but Mortal Kombat is better because it lets me throw old ladies at my enemies.

#Mortal kombat x mortal kombat x full#

The x-ray moves are a highlight, full of detailed splintering spines and skulls which crack like own-brand Easter eggs. It looks as lovely as a game featuring sliced tongues and smashed brains can. This might frustrate some, but it made me experiment with every variation. After five minutes spent trying to summon hellfire, worried I was messing up the combo, I discovered it wasn’t in the build I’d chosen. Be prepared for minor changes to your favourite characters, though.

Mortal kombat x mortal kombat x